
Meet the Hello Eve team – Ashley, Researcher

Meet Ashley, our researcher who looks at the latest scientific evidence, social chatter & news stories. Get to know her in our latest Meet the Team blog.

Tell us more about your yourself and what’s important to you in women’s health?

I studied Product Design at the University of Strathclyde, where I could explore product engineering in context with real-world problems, then during my Masters at Loughborough University, I developed an interest in the research and investigative phase of projects. I then built the foundations of my professional research experience in London, working in a research-centred environment to inform all stages of product & service design projects for major UK clients.  

My role underpins all patient facing platforms in our ecosystem, and typically consists of a multi-faceted approach when approaching problems – from the discovery phase to defining, testing and continuous development. I take a holistic look at what affects our relationship with a service and what influences this. I dive into the social science and conduct independent service research to understand all our audiences' unique experiences, and therefore their needs from our service. The feedback, social science and data we gather always evolves - always making the role exciting.

Women's healthcare provision is such an important topic of conversation. What unique value does Hello Eve offer to patients?

Hello Eve is about affording the opportunity to access products, services and educational content for womans reproductive health. We take a social research-led, VoP (Voice of patient), approach to woman’s reproductive health. In fact, in June of 2023 we ran a social study with a sample size 2,016 participants to determine:

  • The current & future needs of a modern-day contraceptive provider
  • Current attitudes towards contraception, including the influence of social and political environments we are facing in 2023

The above led to our core mission. How we can provide absolute ‘Governance over reproductive healthcare’, and the modern, user-led purpose it can serve to address the new attitudes society is cultivating around this subject. Here are some key statistics from participants in our survey:

  • Only 30% said ‘They know about reproductive health conditions’ such as PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome and Endometriosis
  • Only 56% said they felt ‘well informed about menstruation subjects’  
  • 59% said they'd choose an online birth control offering if it ‘has a quicker service than local NHS’
  • 59% said ‘quick access to services’ is a key quality
  • 63% said they ‘trust and use’ a web search platform to educate themselves about different reproductive health subjects, with 41% saying they ‘trust and use’ their cycle tracking app forums

How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the women's health industry, and what resources do you use to stay informed?

Here are a few of the ways I keep on top of new developments in woman’s health:

What exciting new projects or initiatives does Hello Eve have planned for the future, and how do you see yourself contributing to their success?

We have been using our social research-led approach to understand and deliver the following up & coming services to Hello Eve:

  • Period delay (to postpone your period for a short amount of time, but not the same as longer term period blockers)
  • Menopause (over the counter medication to relieve perimenopause and menopause symptoms)

In collecting everyone's shared experiences, attitudes and needs from a modern service, I’m positive we can pave the way for a holistic service in our users control.  

What are some of the most rewarding aspects of working for a brand that promotes women's health and empowerment?

That I, and the rest of the hard-working team at Hello Eve, can be part of the positive change in women’s health experiences within UK society – a change that we also want to desperately see for ourselves.  

Moreover, we all know too well the issues that we’ve grown up with in educational, social, employment and clinical environments; as well in various socio-economic settings, eg period poverty or lack of access to emergency contraception. So we want to make a difference where we can, given the opportunity we have to make positive change. 

Ashley, her fiancé Gary, and their Miniature Schnauzer, Walter

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to game with my fiancé, Gary, mainly playing ‘It takes two’ and Zelda. I also like travelling. On our recent trip we explored Sweden with Gary’s sister, as well as visiting the isles of Lewis and Harris, and then onto Barcelona. Moreover, I enjoy a bit of photography on the side – there’s a magic in showing your own unique perspective through the lens.  

Finally, we have our Miniature Schnauzer, Walter, who we take on lots of trips to the Isle of Arran, Loch Lomond and the North of Scotland with us!  

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